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Single Estate
Lychee, spiced orange, floral
El Pedregal from $14.00
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Single Estate
Caramel, malt, orange, chamomile
La Piria from $15.50
Single Estate
Raisins, dates, pu'erh, olives
La Lima (sold out)
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Single Estate
Panela, lime, cranberry, floral
La Piña from $18.00
Single Estate
Dried pineapple, plum, cacao, raisins
El Bebedero (sold out)
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Single Estate
Chocolate, honey, dried cranberry, floral
El Limón from $16.50
Single Estate
Toffee, dried fruits, sweet almonds
El Manantial (sold out)Impacting farm and farmer for the better
We believe everyone deserves opportunities for a sustainable, decent, and healthy life—not excluding coffee growers. We especially believe farmers should make a quality living from what they grow. Through better trade practices, education, and relationships, coffee can alleviate poverty and inequality, thus creating brighter futures for farmers. Our first step: the Khomanta profit sharing program. 30% of all profits from each coffee label goes directly to the producer who grew it and their community, helping to improve their farm, their coffee, and the lives of everyone around them.
Read more about our missionOur foundation: ethically sourced
Consumers ought to know more about their coffee: not just who grows it, but how every ounce sold benefits them, too. We shouldn’t settle for anything less than farmers reaping more profits from their coffee than ever before. Ethically sourced specialty coffee and the welfare of our producers are the foundation Khomanta is built upon. Yes, Fair Trade practices do plenty of good and protect producers around the world—but it still falls short. Let’s do better.
Read more about our foundation
The Zamora family, our first producer
Our latest post
COVID-19's affect on Producers and Khomanta
It is no secret COVID-19 has been wrecking many industries and the coffee industry is no exception. We're doing what we can to give our producers a little peace of mind.