El Limón

Single Estate

Grown by Nieves Tantalean
El Limón
(temp. unavailable)

Nieves has constructed a wonderful producer blend of organic Caturra, Typica and Pache harvested from her two parcels—El Limón 1 and El Limón 2. Her precise control over fermentation and drying shows in this well-balanced cup with notes of dried cranberry, chocolate, and hints of honey with delicate florals.

Read more about Nieves and family


  • Tasting notes

    Chocolate, honey, dried cranberry, floral

  • Roast


  • Body


  • Acidity



  • Process


  • Fermentation

    Anaerobic, cherry, overnight

    Pulped, 24 hours

  • Drying

    Raised drying beds, covered

Origin details

  • Origin


  • Region

    San Ignacio, Cajamarca

  • Varietals

    Caturra, typica, pache

  • Elevation

    5906 ft. (1800 meters)

  • Certifications

    Organic, Fair Trade

  • Sourced

    Sourced & imported by Khomanta

  • Producer

    Nieves Tantalean

30% of the profits made from the Tantalean's coffee goes directly into their pockets and their community.

Read more about our profit sharing program